Udhar na karo aap hi, Patan mein na girne do khud ko kabhi. Ki hai aap hi mitra apna bhi yeh, Nahi aur, shatru bhi khud apna hi. To yourself by the self-elevate, Let not you by the self-degrade. Self alone is a friend of oneself, none else but your foe alone is the self.
Bachaa yagya ka anna khate hai jo, To ho jate hai mukta papon se vo.
Pakayen jo apne hi tan ke liye, hain papi sada khate hai paap ve.
Those who left over of the sacrifice partake, from sins themselves only,
These sinners they eat sins verily.
Charano mein gir karta pranam hun, kripa karo mujhpe vinti karun.
Pita-putra, sakha-mitra, pati-patni ko, Kare maaf, vaise hi mujh ko karo
I bow to you and prostrate on your feet, shower your grace on me I seek.
Just as father to son, friend to friend, husband to wife gives me in the same manner you forgive.
Rehekar main hi deh mein sab jeevo ki, Banta sabhi ki hun jatharagni.
Prana aur apaan ban ke main he sada, pachata hun anna charon prakaar ka.
Abiding in the bodies of all embodied ones, the fire of digestion of all I become.
Becoming the incoming and outgoing breadth, four kinds of food are digested on the behest.
Meri hi bhakti mein mann ko laga, Jo chintan kare bus mera hi sada.
Nirantar jo mujh main lagey rehte hain, Puraa karun yogkshema uska main.
To me only who their mind dedicate, upon me they always solely meditate.
Those who also are in communion with me forever,
I protect their attainments and procure what they require.
Kar tyag moh ka tu jum yoga mein, safalta ya asafalta kuch bhi mile.
Mann ko tu rakh dono mein hie samaan, Hai Arjun! Isee samta ka yoga naam.
Give up delution and be in yoga steadfast, Success or failure whatever your lot is at last.
To both in minds with equality treat, Equanimity of mind is a yogic feast